Robert Glencross Robert Glencross Catherine Robb Glencross John Glencross James Glencross Mary Burgess Glencross William Glencross Andrew McLetchie Glencross Agnes McLetchie Mini tree diagram

Janet McLetchie Glencross

12th Jul 18751,2 - 19455

Life History

12th Jul 1875

Born in 102 Bellgrove Street, Glasgow.1,2


Resident in Helens Wynd, Sanqhar, Dumfrieshire.3

Living with her Grandfather Robert Glencross (and his daughter Agnes Glencross)


Occupation Drapers Assistant.1


Resident in 579 Alexandra Parade, Dennistoun, Glasgow.4

Residing with her sister Mary B Sutherland


Died in Sanquhar, Dumfries.5

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